Canyon Road street view

Santa Fe moves at a different speed from cities like Los Angeles and New York City or some of the more industry-driven towns like Dallas and Phoenix. It’s not the city that never sleeps, it’s the city that you can enjoy at your own pace. Especially for new residents and those looking for homes in Santa Fe, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be overwhelming at times. Taking a guided tour is one of the best ways to make Santa Fe a little easier to get to know—and a great way to discover your favorite hangouts, views, and vicinities. Here’s a collection of tours that suit every season of the year. As you look for Santa Fe real estate, why not take one of these tours this fall?

Historic Walks of Santa Fe

Historic Walks of Santa Fe is a great place to…

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Equifax Logo

This month we learned of a massive data breach at one of the three major credit reporting agencies. Equifax disclosed months-long theft of over 140 million users information, including Social Security numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, drivers license numbers, and some bank information. Given how substantial this breach of information is, I felt it necessary to help our clients better understand what they can do moving forward.


Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are the three major credit reporting agencies used by mortgage lenders, credit card companies, and banks for determining risk in issuing credit. Our credit use, history of payments, income, etc are used in algorithms to determine our Credit Score, which of course is…

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Hot air balloons take off during the International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

Throughout the year, New Mexico hosts a nearly constant chain of festivals. In October alone, there are three major festivals running from a couple of days to nearly a full week. For new residents or prospective homebuyers, festivals offer an ideal way to get to know an area and can be paired with looking for homes in Santa Fe. Our advice: Prioritize one festival a month and attend others if you have the time.  Here’s what’s coming to the Santa Fe area this fall. Which festival will you choose?

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, October 7-9

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is technically an Albuquerque event, but the enormous blue and orange skies of New Mexico belong to all of us. It’s just under an hour’s drive from Santa…

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