Infographic showing the pathways of Radon

“Radon is a radioactive gas that has been found in homes all over the United States. It comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water and gets into the air you breathe. Radon typically moves up through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks and other holes in the foundation.”

Read the EPA Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon

“Radon is a radioactive gas. You can’t see, smell, or taste radon. It comes from the decay of radium and exists in varying amounts in most soils. High radon concentrations can be found in soils and rocks containing uranium, granite, shale, phosphate, and pitchblende. Because radon is a gas, it can move through soil and into a…

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More Money, Less Time advertisement

We get asked if there are creative ways to help your Barker broker market your home. Every home is unique and it can be enormously insightful to understand the property from you, the person who has lived and enjoyed, improved, or expanded the home. Here are some ideas that can help make your home, and the story it has, stand out.

1. Create a Website For Your Home

Creating a website about a home or property is a great way to reach prospective buyers. If you don’t already have your own website, creating one with our marketing team is easy. Build a hub for clients and potential clients to access all the information about your property. Ask your Broker how Barker Realty Marketing can point you in a good…

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The living room of a home with large windows and a lot of light in Santa Fe

As of this spring, the coronavirus epidemic in the United States has brought dramatic changes to the way we live, work, and pursue goals—including the goal of buying or selling a home.

While real estate has been identified as an essential service under state restrictions to disrupt the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we pivoted our operations to prioritize the safety and security of our community and our clients. One way we’re doing this is by expanding the use of virtual tours, showings, and walk-throughs.

Especially for home sellers, we put together these tips and best practices you can use to prepare your home for a virtual tour.

Think of your home as the star of its own movie. Your Barker…

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Hands made out of words making a heart shape with a black and white photo of the Gross Kelly & Co building in the background

This Resource List of Help Offered, Help Needed and Ideas for Enjoying This Time at Home is provided by Barker Realty during a time of uncertainty and health precautions. Please visit this site for regular updates and share this guide on your social media to connect others in our community.


Child Care for Healthcare Professionals and First Responders

The United Way Early Learning Center at Kaune (Located at 1409 Monterey Dr), is now accepting offers childcare for healthcare professionals and first responders. Care is available for children ages six-weeks to ten years old, from 7:30 am until 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. To apply please CLICK HERE to fill out the application online,…

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Broker Spotlight / HOME April 2020 article“My approach is based on candid conversations, responsiveness and pure honesty.”

Aviva enjoyed idyllic teenage years living on the Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch. “I moved here with my family in 1994 from Nashville, Tennessee, where I lived on a farm. It was fantastic! I had the opportunity to do a lot of extra work on several movies and met many incredible actors. Living on a 17,000-acre ranch was a great learning and growing experience, riding horses every day after school and embracing the country life. Being so close to Santa Fe provided a nice balance.”

Her first career was in fine dining in Santa Fe — she managed Osteria when it first opened in 1998 and continued for the next 14 years before moving on to the highest level of serving at El…

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